Saturday, August 2, 2008

More Landings

Hi everyone, well, I did not get to solo on July 19th because i went to Vegas! However when I returned I got right back up there. This time we practiced crosswind landings again, except we did them a different way. So here I am checking the go-go-juice in the left wing. Once again I'm flying good 'ol 69042.

Soon after, we were off! My instructor did the first landing, and then I did 4 more after that. The first one was difficult because I'm not so fond of this style of a crosswind landing. However I managed to put it down in once piece! Here I am on short final to three-zero.

After that they were all pretty routine. All of them were put down in once piece. However when it comes to crosswind landings from now on, I think I'm going to stick to the crabbing technique! So much easier and it doesn't make you feel funny..

As of 7/24/08 I have a total of 7.8 hours logged and a total of 16 total landings.


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